Lecture One: The Concept of Control
Definition of arbitration according to the UAE Arbitration Law No. 6 of 2018:
A means regulated by law through which a binding ruling is issued in a dispute between two or more parties by the arbitration panel based on the agreement of the parties.
In another definition:
A legal agreement method to resolve the dispute instead of the judiciary, whether the entity that will conduct the arbitration procedures pursuant to the agreement of the parties is an organization or a permanent arbitration center or not.
Lecture Two: Arbitration Agreement:
1- Arbitration Clause: The arbitration agreement that precedes the dispute.
2- Arbitration Instrument: The arbitration agreement that takes place after the dispute arises.
Lecture Three: General Elements of the Real Estate Sales Contract:
1- The legal nature of the real estate sales contract (a contract binding on both parties)
2- Obligations of the seller.
3- Obligations of the buyer.
4- Joint obligations.
5- Final provisions.
Lecture Four: Mechanism for resolving disputes in real estate contracts:
1- The judiciary (the competent court).
2- Alternative means of resolving disputes (arbitration).
Lecture Five: Arbitration Procedures:
This explains the arbitration procedures from the stage of drafting the contract to issuing the arbitration decision.
Lecture Six: Arbitrators' Ruling:
1- Date of arbitration.
2- Applicable law.
3- Agreement to end the dispute during arbitration.
4- Issuance of the arbitration award.
Lecture Seven: Judicial oversight of the arbitrators' actions (before starting arbitration procedures):
1- Judicial oversight of the arbitration agreement.
2- Judicial oversight of the appointment of the arbitrator.
Lecture Eight: Judicial oversight of the arbitrators' actions (during arbitration procedures):
- The competent court.
- Precautionary measures.
- The authority of the judiciary to reject or dismiss the arbitrator.
- Procedures that require the intervention of the competent court.
Lecture Nine: Judicial oversight of the arbitrators' actions (after issuing the arbitrators' ruling):
1- Judicial oversight of the arbitrators' actions by considering the nullity claim.
2- Judicial oversight through the implementation of arbitrators' rulings.
Last lecture: Practical workshop:
1- Forming a mock arbitration court.
2- Discussing an arbitration case with the participation of all attendees.