Real estate valuation requires skill, judgment and experience. There is no prescriptive way in which to value any property; the approach is down to the valuer. This is an introductory course that discusses the purpose of real estate valuation, the valuation process, and the different valuation methods and approaches.
The course is designed to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge needed to understand the real estate valuation process, and the candidates will have an understanding of concepts and practices in the field of real estate valuation. The candidate will have practical knowledge of some of the techniques used in real estate valuation.
The course will cover the following:
• Understanding the characteristics of the real estate market
• Understanding the role of real estate in the economy
• Understanding types of possession
• Understand real estate appraiser and the nature of work
• Understand the purpose of the real estate valuation
• Understand the principles of real estate appraisal and valuation.
• Understand the difference between market value, fair value, price, cost and investment value
• Understand the methods and approach of evaluation and when using each method
• Understand the minimum requirements of the evaluation report.
• Understanding the measurement code
Real Estate Valuers Training Certificate

AED 4000AED 5000
VAT 5% applicable