Learn how to preserve and enhance your association’s property and prepare for emergencies.
This course provides a hands-on approach to help you analyze, evaluate, communicate and plan for property maintenance. Your community will benefit from your increased understanding of the various types of maintenance—routine, preventive, emergency, corrective and scheduled.
Topics include:
• Evaluating existing maintenance programs and management controls
• Analyzing maintenance contracts
• Overseeing maintenance of common areas, using checklists and reports
• Making maintenance requests and recommendations to the board
• Identifying the basic elements of a disaster plan
• Preparing a request for proposal, including bid specifications
• Monitoring fulfillment of a contract
• Interpreting and invoking contract warranties
• Understanding the concept of sustainable lifestyles
• Using a reserve study for ongoing maintenance needs
Learning Objectives
Module 1: Facilities Management
How to recognize basic community association maintenance needs and provide for adequate maintenance of the association physical assets.
Module 2: Bidding & Contracting
How to contract for specific community association maintenance needs.
M-201: Facilities Management Training

AED 2500
VAT 5% applicable