Having a successful career in real estate can be both financially and professionally rewarding, yet straining at the same time. One does not get paid unless one sells (you can work long hours and still have no paycheck) and one has to be vigilant in the face of changing market conditions.
Course Objective
“Essential Skills for a Successful Career in Real Estate” provides valuable insights and tips to real estate professionals to perform successfully and effectively. It exposes agents to some methods of client creation while highlighting the importance of following a disciplined and an ethical work routine.
Course Content
1-Ethical Practices
2-Aspire to achieve Excellence in Customer Service
3-Knowledge is Power
4-Proactive vs. Reactive Mindset
5-Setting Achievable Goals
6- Negotiate Effectively
7-Managing Your Time Efficiently
8-Follow a Clear Communication Plan
9-Understand The Psychology Of Your Client
10-Work in Teams
11-Narrow Your Niche/Specialize
12-Success is in the Follow Up
13-Be Patient and Practice Professionalism